Saturday 28 November 2015

Grade 6 session 2.

During the second session we discussed the concept of peace and what it meant to the children in Lebanon, the same as Miss Itani & Miss Manal did when they visited us. We then discussed the symbols that we could use for peace. The children then came up with the concept that peace is in their hands so all their designs were drawn inside the outline of their hands. The final piece of work, which will be displayed in my school in the U.K, was fantastic and it was clear that this was a subject that meant a lot to them. 


  1. Thank you for visiting our school. The Kids will surely remember the time you spent with them. You have motivated them in ways beyond comprehension!

  2. Thank you Stewart for sharing your experiences at schools in Beirut with us all.
    Schools across the world have so much to share and learn from each other & the opportunity to visit and work in schools across the Globe is truly a privilege & helps teachers to realise the great work that they are doing wherever they are in this world.The one message that comes from all students wherever they are is the desire for 'Peace" and 'Quality Education' Thanks to the British Council for enabling these visit to take place.
